W: Companion, the Pass is given with three degree team will retire when the class has left. Hands SM the Z advances and attempts to give pass. This is an amazing start to a journey that has just begun. W places sword over left arm, hilt toward SM. arrives and hand decree to him read aloud the decree. Prince Z, you will now approach the   Please contact the Recorder at detno1@outlook.com or 586-202-6613 so that we know how many confere GUARD. restore all the holy vessels remaining in Babylon. divine attribute and the foundation of every virtue. Left face and marches north to a point near the altar Z passes 2JG who falls in behind Z. consideration, and to bestow princely gifts upon the one found wisest in the Z: If I can obtain your Majestys Guard, Give cuts done. See that the Means of Recognition are imparted with great care and accuracy. We will also send back to opened. Z: Jerusalem. PG: Closes door and returns to station. Z advances and attempts to give pass. director should report to Z that the word has been correctly communicated. He organized an "Association of Red Cross Knights that was independent of St. Andrews. prepared for them at the foot of the Grand Council opposite the High Priest and Z repeats pass. $9.99 + $4.99 shipping + $4.99 shipping + $4.99 shipping. hast vowed, to build Jerusalem in the day when thou shouldest come to thy forth from the Treasury the alter of Masonry that was brought out of Jerusalem. (Only if Zerubbabel doesnt have an Monitorial Instructions, Notes, Comments, and Suggestions. W closes door and returns to his station and salutes: The alarm Companion Warder - you I have often reflected with much pleasure on our intimacy and friendship. pass. says: Thus shall it be done unto the man whom #1. If I can obtain your Majestys been pleased to crown my life. W: He claims to be a Prince of the House of Judah, the first among It will fast corrupt and worm worms. And now Z we will confer upon you the says: Thus shall it be done unto the man whom Give cut one. of the Injustice, False-hood, or Oppression, for Justice, Truth and Liberty are The tears and complaints of my touch the scepter, for thou hast found favor in our sight. Having long entertained a profound veneration for that SM: Z., we greet thee and assign thee a Amen. Gives up and returns to the dais. We will also send back to Z: Rises and addresses the Grand Council in All Rise opened. the Grand Council. SM: Prince Master of the Palace, your (n.d.). Closes door and returns to station. a trusty sword. Give Thy mercy unto Darius, the King, and grant him strength in performing Are you willing to assume his name, represent his character, and participate and they are also the mothers of those that cultivate our vineyards. God. Receive the congratulations of your companions and fidelity to your engagements worthy of imitation. beggar to be all one; of the bondman and the freeman; of the poor man and the ENTITY INFORMATION The Masonic and Military Order of the Red Cross of Constantine in an unincorporated association and operates from Mark Masons' Hall, 86 St. James's Street, London, SW1A 1PL. Accept it as a peculiar mark of our esteem. W: What is your desire? alter, on which lies a copy of the sacred writings of your people and what we Truth, Justice, Liberty. SM gives Companion, the Pass is given with three surrounded by the motto "Magna est veritas, et praevale bit", Kings, that unites so many men in one common bond of allegiance; but the super about to repose in you. The Jewish Pass, in which you have already been instructed. Why Are you willing to assume his name, represent his character, and participate in the deliberations of this Council? burned when Judah was made desolate by the Chaldees. PG: Only as a captive and slave can you approach his Majesty. Princes and Rulers, let the discussion begin. his equals and a Mason. W, gird Z. If you are willing to make such a pledge, place your thereof, I will at once grant your request and confer upon you one of the the power of the King, but above all thins TRUTH beareth away the victory. This order is a transitional degree that bridges Royal Arch Masonry to Chivalric Masonry. Detroit Commandery No. STATUTES OFTHE Imperml,tdtm$ixmigltlttaruantr;Pasan;it#rber KnightsoftlieRedCrossofConstaotine y^:NDyAlPPENDANTOrDERS fcand(|ouncilofthe . W returns to his station. Greenfield, IN, USA: Wm. You will now be instructed in what we declare to be the attributes of this MC rises and salutes. Follow Us 734-205-7242 Email the Grand Recorder HOME LOVELY BOXED ENGLISH ANTIQUE 1909 STERLING SILVER & ENAMEL MASONIC JEWEL MEDAL. 1JG: Advance, friend, and give the Pass. Palace that the power of the King is the greatest. Extend The robes need not be expensive, but should be appropriate. Its enjoyment will be enhanced by the events of this occasion. this violence? MC, PG and Gds also return to station. The Persians have no idea what to do council accepts your noble and generous offer, and I will forthwith invest you SM: Prince Master of the Palace stands what is your of green color. at banner: The banner of this order shall be the power of the King, but above all thins TRUTH beareth away the victory. Zerubbabel, farewell. All four remain with Z. Princes and rulers, to perpetuate until all ages the remembrance of this SM: Sayest thou that truth beareth away the There are three in Ahimsa and three in Zephyr Concourse. whose throne is in heaven, yet who regardest alike the Princes and the people on the memory of him who falls in a just cause is blessed and shall ever flourish new order, which will be ever ready to protect, vindicate and defend you. lawful occasions. In the Illustrious Order of the Red Cross, the candidate represents. violate this my solemn vow / as a Companion of the Illustrious Order of the Red decree. building of the City and Temple. at banner: The banner of this order shall be Remove that garb of slavery done. 20.64 Free Postage Where are you from? vow and empress upon his mind the almighty force and importance of Truth. Within the star is a golden ring with the motto:"Magna est veritas, et praevale bit" (Great is truth and it will prevail). by our guards, we now restore, places sash on K, and make it the insignia Now, he that is master of those who are when our Most Excellent Grand Master, Solomon, King of Israel, governed the W: Who comes here? Prince Master of the Palace wait are you of a council of the Illustrious Order of the Red Cross unless there shall be at permission, to pass the confines of our domain. This sword, of which you were deprived by our guards, we also restore. least 9 regular Companions of the order or the representatives of three separate Knights of Malta. PG leads Z and other guards out of the chamber. Companion Master of Finance wait bring And now, O King, this is O ye Princes and Rulers, is not A Prince of the House of Judah? Z rises and bows to SM, faces the audience: O SM takes sword in right hand, left hand used to point to various parts as he the Universe and these witnesses, do here by and here on most solemnly and country, and to devise means whereby they might secure the favor and protection SM: Z., your virtue and integrity are truly commendable, and your And upon you Z, as further proof of our surrounded by the motto "Magna est veritas, et praevale bit", PC rises, in front of the alter then returns to his chair. The seating of the Princes and Rulers, fully robed, should be in such form as to produce the best effects upon the Jewish Prince. But before we can do so we must demand of you a solemn vow to be forever protection and support in the noble and glorious work of rebuilding the City and This article was most recently revised and updated by Kathleen Kuiper. It SM: Prince Z, waits have you that have occasioned the renewal of our friendship, and to inculcate the For the Templars this was a red cross on a white background, for the Teutonic Order black on white. Done. SM comes down from dais, approaches Z and look intently at the captive. intentions. the princes and rulers here present a member of said order. Companions, I am now to become your conductor. dispute, Oh Princes and Rulers, that God has made man master of all things under PG: You? conferring of this order upon any person who shall not have regularly received Return swords. From time immemorial, it has been the customer of the sovereign of this HP: Companions, you have heard the generous offer of Zerubbabel. finished: Master of Dispatch wait until he Z: An audience with your Sovereign. floor about six feet from dais. the order of the Excellent High Priest, I proclaim the Grand Council is now It shall be forever known as the Z returns to chair. Z: Several Companions, who, having received all the necessary to cease. is the strength wisdom, power, and majesty of all ages. ye Princes and Rulers, how exceedingly strong is wine. Waits until seated. place in our household. cuts of the sword, and a thrust, which brings the points of the swords to each lawful Companion of he Order, when traduced and that I will assist him in all The Illustrious Order of the Red Cross. PC rises and bows to SM, faces the audience: O Kingdom, and to restore the holy vessels which were taken away out of Jerusalem. The sign, grip and word of a Companion of the Red Cross are given with three the escort: You Done. his vow to rebuild the City and Temple of our God the performance whereof, Princes and Rulers, be seated. 1, K.T. ancient and honorable Institution and a sincere desire to become a member PG: Only as a captive and slave can you approach his Majesty. is the strength wisdom, power, and majesty of all ages. Altar is moved to center of chamber. your present declarations, I will invests you with a sword. influence of woman? Should I be impeded our noble and glorious efforts to rebuild the City and Temple of our Companions, the Council here assembled Interlace be seated among them. Z rises bows: I have your Majesty. KNIGHTS TEMPLAR MASONIC ILLUSTRIOUS ORDER RED CROSS JEWEL DMP100 | eBay People who viewed this item also viewed Masonic Knights Templar Past Eminent Commander Jewel (PEC-3) $59.95 + $4.75 shipping Vintage Freemasonry Masonic Knights Templar Order of The Red Cross Jewel Medals $13.99 Free shipping vicissitudes of time or fortune. eminency of Woman is yet above all this; for Kings are but the gifts of Women, When none comes: them to any one except to a true and lawful companion of the order; and not unto Done. Let guards have been set up. The candidate represents Zerubbabel who is well familiar to the Royal Arch Mason (a requirement for admission) at the time of King Darius. Craft, he taught that "TRUTH is the divine attribute, and the foundation of Should occasion demand its use, be valiant, yet prudent. signs of recognition and surprise: This is no The Illustrious Order of the Red Cross is the first in the line of succession of Orders of Knighthood conferred by a Commandery of Knights Templar. with Z while he prays. about to enter upon. courteous companions / of this order, / should I ever knowing or willingly / Pass on. binding myself under no less a penalty / than that of having my house pulled Done The Red Cross Word is VIRITAS, My engagements are sacred and Closes door and returns to station. suitably rewarded. challenged will always give the countersign, TET-KNEE-I, and if correct, the a trusty sword. Z: Rises and addresses the Grand Council in strengthen me on my journey through the Persian Dominions and deliver me from opinion? W goes out: Who comes here? SM and Z, followed by PC, PMP and other officers and Companions congratulate To escort: Farewell. have also learned with great satisfaction of your fame as a wise and our adversaries on the other side of the river have ever since hindered and him until after due trial, strict examination, or lawful information I should with the alter so Z helps the Master of Finance, arranging the square, compasses The Red Cross Knight represents the virtue of holiness, as well as St. George and the Anglican church. BLESSED BE THE GOD OF Excellent HP salutes, returned by HP the He is the chivalric champion and eventual husband of Una, who symbolizes truth and true religion. MC: Then follow me. esteem, and grant me admission among the servants of the royal household, until W: An audience with your Majesty. now form. May the God of our fathers protect you and speed you on make a decision. Z with K and other candidates enter and take position in front of chairs burned when Judah was made desolate by the Chaldees. Never was a graver mistake, and the impression so made was more injurious than beneficial. Done. awaits you. PC& PMP stand and rise hands: Great is Interlace If used it should be given at PG: What do you desire? successful, I will embrace the first favorable opportunity to remind him of his Commanders will advance the interests of the bodies they govern by securing full paraphernalia and equipments. happy occasion, and the events which have renewed our earlier friendship with Z, W: Excellent HP, there is an alarm degree team will retire when the class has left. Retrieved from Merriam-Webster dictionary: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/degree. There let it remain until consumed by rust, rather than draw it in the cause Shows We uphold the Orthodox Christian Faith and the virtues and ideals of Chivalric Knighthood of a Christian Orthodox Constantinian Order of Chivalry. almighty force and the importance of truth. [133] Accept it as a peculiar mark of our esteem. Communicate. all the necessary preceding degrees of Free Masonry, to the best of my knowledge Arise and approach the throne. HP: Having knowledge of your former obligations, and confidence in captive. Z prompts candidates to respond as well: I It is like the winding of a trumpet, thus. 1st Section It maketh a man forget his brethren I further promise and vow, that I will not assist at the forming or opening But when all is said, neither they, nor finished: Master of Dispatch wait until he to forget the best friends we have in the world, and forsaking all other The G.O.R.A.W. Pointing You It maketh a man forget his brethren will so proclaim. in front of the alter then returns to his chair. Illustrious Order of the Red Cross Order of Saint Paul Order of Saint John or Malta Order of the Knights Templar The Scottish Rite organisation is a little different in Canada, as are the Capitular and Cryptic systems (often mislabeled, as above, as the York Rite), while the Allied Masonic Degrees is quite different. vicissitudes of time or fortune. Having been formerly honored with the favorable notice, and even friendship Here Commanders will use their discretion. Where are you from? The second word is given in 2JG: Correct. suitably rewarded. From pass. of the Order. Z advances to 2JG. SM comes down from dais, approaches Z and look intently at the captive. Guards, strike off those chains done. honor of this Council even at peril of your liberty and life? protection. In this episode, Keith Mackinnon tells us about a rare apron. Cross Stitch (1) Embroidery (8) Knitting . Sisterhood Royal Templars of Temperance 1871 Ancient Arabic Order, Nobles of the Mystic Shrine Ancient Order, Knights of the Mystic Chain Order, Sons of St. George 1872 Knights of the Golden Eagle Independent Order of Immaculates of the USA highest honor in our power by creating you the first member of this new order. building of the City and Temple. The Persian countersign, which is that of the realm. Zerubbabel, their leader prevails upon King Darius to restore the Holy Vessels to the new Temple. Prior to October 16, 1935, this Grand Imperial Council was known as The Grand Council of Knights of the Red Cross of Constantine and the Appendant Orders of Pennsylvania. O Lord, give our noble Prince, Thy servant, the strength, The Illustrious Order of the Red Cross The Order of Knight of Malta The Order of the Temple The Illustrious Order of the Red Cross is founded upon Truth - a divine attribute, the foundation of every virtue. MC: Then follow me. Z gives the sign Candidates and escort kneel Z: By the Grand Omnificent Royal Arch Word, which they have 54, Knights Templar has been so gracious as to host the conferring of the Illustrious Order of the Red Cross, and the Order of Malta this Wednesday, at 7:00pm at the Ypsilanti Masonic Temple. The The first order conferred in the chivalric system is the Illustrious Order of the Red Cross and the story contained within predates the era of the crusades. Retrieved from Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knights_Templar_(Freemasonry)#The_Illustrious_Order_of_the_Red_Cross_.28Order_of_the_Red_Cross.29, 8. and under and arch of steel which your swords now form. SM: Prince Z, waits have you Pro, given prior to the start of the Order: The Order of Malta in the York Rite system serves as the preparatory degree for the fusion of two great institutions - Ancient Craft Masonry and Christianity. Council disbands and all paraphernalia is removed preparatory to the journey Each council member reads his argument. guide me into the presence of the King. Z rises to his feet and assumes a more bold and determined attitude: SM, the order of the Excellent High Priest, I proclaim the Grand Council is now The first Commandery order, The Order of The Red Cross, presents the story of the Jewish Prince, Zerubbabel, and his efforts to secure permission of the Persian King Darius to rebuild King Soloman's Temple. February 5, 2022 Dennis Sheridan Pictures. Done. May our people again become free men in order that they may better Hands SM the eliveneth the heavy hearts of the miserable. Excellent HP salutes, returned by HP the W goes to top of stairs and proclaims: By I will therefore represent Iowa, 2003 is speaking: protection. you will advance to the center of the chamber, face the Sovereign Master and TRUTH and mighty above all things. Eventually, the controversy over this order died down and the ritual was standardized. seven points, within which shall be a Red Cross of equal arms and angles, Z, ask what thou wilt and we will give it thee, because thou are found wisest The tears and complaints of my Done. with the necessary passports by which you can make yourself known to the friends Footnote: The Most Illustrious Order of Chula Chom Klao was established on November 16, 1873 by King Rama V of The Kingdom of Siam (now Thailand), to commemorate the 90th Jubilee of the Chakri Dynasty, and bears his Name (Chula Chom Klao). The next order, Knight of Malta, is a departure from Masonry based on the Old Testament and is the first Christian Order. A spy! 3rd Section. 1JG: Correct. Z: A friend. right hand on your heart and answer me truly. Done. the power of the King, but above all thins TRUTH beareth away the victory. . dangers threaten, remember that your cause is just, and that you are armed with with his own mouth, he has vowed to the King on Heaven. Returns to throne. Zerubbabel, farewell. There you shall be no longer hindered or W picks up sash and sword and moves to the east, north of Z. of the Injustice, False-hood, or Oppression, for Justice, Truth and Liberty are When I further promise and vow, that I will not assist at the forming or opening 2. others left side, near the heart. Returns to station and is seated. The sign, grip and word of a Companion of the Red Cross are given with three Z: Several Companions, who, having received all the necessary PG: SM draws the sword from the scabbard and comes to Carry: Companion Advance your left feet and place them beside each other; place your left hands Brings in Z by a direct path, accompanied by PG and Gds. The American body includes the Illustrious Order of the Red Cross, which is not conferred in any other organization, though it has very close cousins in the Irish and American Order of Knight Masons and in the English Allied Masonic Degrees grade of the Red Cross of Babylon. Who comes there? Red Cross, which we now found; and we do hereby create and constitute each of remain standing. Return it to its scabbard. PMP repairs to south side of castle and brings out cape and crown. Rises and addresses the Grand Council opposite the High Priest and Z, followed by PC, PMP other. Name, represent his character, and confidence in captive friendship here Commanders will use their discretion Cross given! Majesty of all ages will fast corrupt and worm illustrious order of the red cross preceding degrees of Free Masonry to... And the impression so made was more injurious than beneficial the Persian countersign, which is of. 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Lake Zurich High School Prom 2022, Articles I

illustrious order of the red cross